New MCL publications

Varda, C. & Kyza, E. A. (2024, June 10-14). Reflective considerations: The theoretical and practical issues of applying the AIR framework on social media. In C. Chinn, S. Barzilai (Organizers), Understanding and Promoting Epistemic Growth: Applying the AIR and Apt-AIR Frameworks. [Symposium]. To be presented at the 2024 Annual Meeting of International Society for the Learning Sciences (ISLS). Buffalo, USA.

Agesilaou, A. & Kyza, E. A. (2024, June 10-14). A pedagogical framework for supporting the development of students’ personal data competencies. Paper to be presented at the 2024 Annual Meeting of International Society for the Learning Sciences (ISLS). Buffalo, USA.

Souropetsis, M., Kyza, E., Georgiou, Y. & Nisiotis, L. (2024, June 10-14). Investigating students’ immersion, motivation and cultural heritage learning in gamified and non-gamified virtual reality environments. Paper to be presented at the 2024 Annual Meeting of International Society for the Learning Sciences (ISLS). Buffalo, USA.

Varda, C., Kyza, E. A & Chinn, C. (2024, June 10-14). Capturing epistemic engagement on social media. Poster to be presented at the 2024 Annual Meeting of International Society for the Learning Sciences (ISLS). Buffalo, USA.

Economou, A., Kapsalis, G., Kyza, E. A., Georgiou, Y., Gallagher, S., Galvin, C., Gonida, E., Hernandez-Leo, D., Ilomäki, L., Lakkala, M., Moustakas, D., Papadopoulos, P. M. & Garcia, A. R. (2024, June 10-14). Building Digital Competence: Personal and Contextual Factors in Teachers’ Professional Learning. Paper to be presented at the 2024 Annual Meeting of International Society for the Learning Sciences (ISLS). Buffalo, USA.

More MCL scholarly contributions


The Media, Cognition and Learning (MCL) Group is a research group within the Department of Communication and Internet Studies at the Cyprus University of Technology. MCL’s focus is the study of the relation of media, cognition and learning in various educational fields and settings.

The group is led by Dr. Eleni A. Kyza and is composed by members of the Department of Communication and Internet Studies and graduate students at the Ph.D. or Master’s level.

Research in the Media, Cognition and Learning (MCL) group is structured around three main research areas: (1) Learning Sciences, (2) Technology-enhanced learning and (3) Inquiry-based learning

Research topics include among others:

  • Extended Reality (XR) technologies for learning
  • Teacher Learning
  • Reflective Inquiry
  • Digital Literacy
  • Active and Responsible Citizenship
  • Technology-enhanced learning in inquiry-based science
  • Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)
  • Design-based research
  • Gamification

The MCL research group aims to promote high quality research in the context of Media, Cognition and Learning.


MCL ISLS 2024 Presentations

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We are happy to announce that the Media Cognition and Learning Research Group will be presenting five papers at the International Society of the Learning Sciences Conference (ISLS 2024), which...

Open Lecture: Students, Teachers, and AI Chatbots: Initial Reactions to Generative AI in American Schools

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The Department of Communication and Internet Studies, and the Media, Cognition and Learning Research Group invite you to an open lecture entitled: Students, Teachers, and AI Chatbots: Initial Reactions to...

Invitation to the public PhD defence of Andria Agesilaou

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You are invited to the Ph.D. defense of Andria Agesilaou Α personal data literacy framework for students: Identifying and supporting students’ competencies about their personal data Wednesday, March 27, 2024,...

Presentation of the results of the SELFIEforTEACHERS case studies

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Presentation of the results of the SELFIEforTEACHERS case studies to the SfT Expert Network Workshop of the European Commission in Brussels On February 22nd and 23rd 2024 Dr Eleni A....

Πρόσκληση συμμετοχής σε εργαστήριο: Πώς να υποστηρίξετε την αυτορρύθμιση της μάθησης

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Η ερευνητική ομάδα Νέα Μέσα, Νόηση, και Μάθηση του Τμήματος Επικοινωνίας και Σπουδών Διαδικτύου του Τεχνολογικού Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου, ανακοινώνει εργαστήριο για την υποστήριξη των δεξιοτήτων αυτορρυθμιζόμενης μάθησης για εκπαιδευτικούς Δημοτικής,...

Πρόσκληση συμμετοχής στο εργαστήριο Γραμματισμός στα προσωπικά δεδομένα

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Η ερευνητική ομάδα Νέα Μέσα, Νόηση και Μάθηση, του Τμήματος Επικοινωνίας και Σπουδών Διαδικτύου, του Τεχνολογικού Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου, ανακοινώνει το εργαστήριο "Γραμματισμός στα προσωπικά δεδομένα” για εν υπηρεσία εκπαιδευτικούς Δημοτικής...