

Admission for PhD studies, starting September 2022

The MCL Research Group (Cyprus University of Technology) accepts applications for one post at Doctoral level (PhD) that will begin September 2022.

The MCL Research Group (Cyprus University of Technology) accepts applications for one (1) post at Doctoral level (PhD) that will begin September 2022.

Deadline is Monday, 2nd of May 2022. For applications, click here.

For more information, click here.

One (1) post in the following topic: “Digital competencies for promoting the self-regulation of learning and teaching in distance or hybrid learning settings”.

Description: The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the role of digital education in modern times and emphasized the importance of digital competencies for educators and students of all levels. The need to change traditional learning and teaching models is now more evident than ever; at the same time, it is evident that there is a need to explore the elements that can contribute to upgrading the quality of online learning and teaching. The aim of this dissertation is to explore the digital competencies and skills that can contribute to collaboration and the self-regulation of learning and teaching, in the context of technology-supported hybrid learning environments. A potential area of inquiry may, for example, be the kinds of support that teachers (at the higher, secondary, or primary school level) need to identify and support the needs of students in distance or hybrid learning settings. The exact topic will be determined in collaboration with the student. Fields of application can be university courses, MOOCs, gamified learning environments, or a combination thereof.

Required Qualifications: Applicants must hold an undergraduate degree from an accredited university on a topic that is relevant to the advertised area (e.g., Education or Psychology or ICT), and a Master’s degree in a subject which complements the knowledge and skills acquired during the basic studies in any one of the above three areas (e.g., educational technology). Applicants should demonstrate strong academic and methodological background, as evidenced by their CV and university transcripts, and a very good knowledge of spoken and written English. The applicants are requested to submit: (a) A cover page briefly explaining their interest in the position, (b) their CV in English or Greek, (c) a preliminary research proposal in relation to the description of the position, in English and Greek (up to 2 pages), (d) two letters of recommendation, preferably from university professors.

Funding: For the above position there is the intention by the Department to involve PhD candidates, contingent on their background, as teaching assistants, or offer them employment in research programs for partial coverage of tuition fees.

Research Advisor: Eleni A. Kyza, Associate Professor

EARLI SIG 8 & 16: Summer School Acceptance

Christiana Varda, PhD student and Research Associate at the Media, Cognition and Learning Research Group, has been selected to participate at EARLI Joint SIG 8 & 16 Summer School 2022, where she will present her ongoing work focused on “Informal learning on social media: Understanding the role of emotions in supporting epistemic engagement during online information evaluation”.

The Summer school is offered as part of the European Association for Learning and Instruction Special Interest Groups for Emotion and Motivation (SIG 8) and Metacognition (SIG16) will take place in Dresden, Germany in August 2022.

ISLS Conference 2022: Papers Acceptance

We are happy to announce that the Media Cognition and Learning Research Group will be presenting two papers at the International Society of the Learning Sciences Conference (ISLS 2022), which will take place 6-10 June 2022, online. The theme of the conference was International Collaboration toward Educational Innovation for All: Overarching Research, Development, and Practices.

Christiana Varda and Dr Eleni A. Kyza’s paper “The Role of Epistemic Emotions During Engagement with Online Information Encounters” has been accepted to be presented for the International Conference of the Learning Sciences segment of the ISLS 2022 as a Full Paper Presentation.

Additionally, Dr Eleni A. Kyza and Christiana Varda will also be participating in a symposium presentation. Their contribution is titled “Data literacy and social design implications of algorithmic, socio-technical solutions to combating misinformation on social media” and it will be part of the symposium “Cultivating Critical, Justice-Oriented Data Literacies in a Post-Truth World”. The symposium was submitted to the International Conference of the Learning Sciences of ISLS 2022 and was organized by Dr Joe Polman (University of Colorado Boulder), Dr Iris Tabak (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) and Dr Trang C. Tran (University of Colorado Boulder).

New MCL publication

New MCL publication: “Investigating the Processes of Teacher and Researcher Empowerment and Learning in Co-design Settings”.

MCL announces a new publication by Eleni A. Kyza and Andria Agesilaou, titled “Investigating the Processes of Teacher and Researcher Empowerment and Learning in Co-design Settings”. The paper is part of the special issue “Teacher-Researcher Collaborations as Contexts of Learning”, edited by Susan R. Goldman, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, and Eleni A. Kyza. The special issue is published in Cognition and Instruction’s first issue of 2022 (Volume 40, Issue 1).

New MCL publication: Whose data are they

New MCL publication: Whose data are they? Elementary school students’ conceptualization of data ownership and privacy of personal digital data

The work of MCL members, Andria Agesilaou Dr. Eleni Kyza, has been recently accepted for publication in the International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction.

The paper is titled “Whose data are they? Elementary school students’ conceptualization of data ownership and privacy of personal digital data”. In this work the authors discuss children’s awareness of their digital data, issues of online privacy and issues of data uses by others. They also examine how students comprehend data ownership of their digital data and how they decide to concede this ownership to others. Evidence of students’ conceptualization of data ownership is scarce in the literature. Τhe authors, through this work, provide some initial findings about data ownership, and discuss how the community can better understand children’s disclosure or privacy protection attitudes, by further unpacking this construct.

The paper is part of the Special Issue “Smart Toys, Smart Tangibles, Robots and other Smart Things for Children” which is edited by Cristina Sylla, Alejandro Catala, Arzu Güneysu Özgür, Katriina Heljakka.

The pre-proof of the paper can be accessed online here.

AERA Conference 2022: Symposium Acceptance

MCL researchers, Andria Agesilaou and Dr. Eleni A. Kyza will be participating in a symposium presentation at AERA 2022 (April 21 to 26). Their contribution is titled “Fostering awareness of big data through a quantified-self approach: Designing for critical data literacy” and it will be part of the symposium “Data Literacy in Context: Culturally Oriented and Place-Based Learning through Data”. The symposium was submitted to Division C – Learning and Instruction/Division C – Section 3a: Learning Environments and will take place on April 21.

Symposium abstract

This symposium responds to calls for increased focus on data literacy in education and specifically how context, culture, and place impact what and how people learn through data. The 11 studies aim to highlight: 1) Real-world issues that are investigated through data; 2) How place-based learning is enabled (e.g., what technologies and resources are used); 3) How identity, historical narratives, and local or cultural knowledge are engaged; and 4) Methods, analyses, and evaluation of learning and/or participation. This set of studies highlight the ubiquity of data literacy goals for a range of learners (e.g., youth to adults), a range of disciplinary applications (e.g., art to bioinformatics), and a range of contexts (e.g., rural to urban).


Susan A. Yoon & Katherine M. Miller, University of Pennsylvania


Andee Rubin, TERC


  1. Place-Based Air Quality Inquiry in U.S. Rural Contexts
    Joseph L. Polman, Trang Chau Tran, Daniel W. Knight,
    University of Colorado Boulder
  2. Hyperlocal Expertise: Schoolyards as Rich and Complex Contexts for Developing Children’s Data Practices
    Kathryn Lanouette, College of William and Mary
    Victor R. Lee, Stanford University
  3. Learning Bioinformatics Through a Justice-Centered Design: Developing Student Relationships With Data in Urban Communities
    Susan A. Yoon, Jooeun Shim, Katherine Miller, Amanda Cottone, Noora Fatima Noushad, Thomas Richman, Amin Marei, Blanca Himes, Ryan Urbanowicz, University of Pennsylvania
    Michael Gonzalez, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
  4. Seeing ourselves in the data: Situating data literacy in theory building and action-taking by youth
    Bodong Chen, University of Minnesota
    Leanne Ma, Ben Peebles, University of Toronto
  5. A framework for exploring self, community, histories, and futures through data
    Michelle Hoda Wilkerson, Meg Elena Escudé, Edward Rivero, Kris D. Gutiérrez, University of California, Berkeley
    David J. Stokes, Hollylynne Stohl Lee, North Carolina State University
    Emily V. Reigh, Stanford University
  6. No learning lost here: Youth critical data practices in the COVID-19 multi-pandemic
    Angela Calabrese Barton, Day W. Greenberg, Chandler Turner, Devon Riter, Leslie R. Herrenkohl, Elizabeth A. Davis, Tammy Quinn Tasker
    University of Michigan
  7. The role of data literacy in convergence and divergence of reasoning criteria between social groups
    Ilana Dubovi, Tel Aviv University
    Iris Tabak, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
  8. Cultivating identities of care in the science classroom using complex systems data and modeling
    Veronica Cassone McGowan, University of Washington Bothell
    Philip L. Bell, University of Washington
  9. Place-making practices with COVID-19 data
    Joshua L. Radinsky, University of Illinois-Chicago
    Iris Tabak, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
  10. Postcards from the Bronx: Students redefine what a healthy place is through justice-oriented data art
    Anna Amato, Camillia Matuk, Kayla DesPortes, Marian Tes, Ralph Vacca, New York University
    Veena Vasudevan, University of Pittsburgh
    Megan Silander, Educational Development Center
    Peter J. Woods, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  11. Fostering Awareness of Big Data Through a Quantified-Self Approach: Designing for Critical Data Literacy
    Andria Agesilaou, Eleni A. Kyza, Cyprus University of Technology

JOUREDIS: Digital journalism against misinformation

The Media, Cognition and Learning (MCL) research group of the Department of Communication and Internet Studies at the Cyprus University of Technology announces a series of workshops focused on addressing misinformation through digital journalism.

JOUREDIS is a one-year program (2021-2022) and is funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund (AEIF). The project is realized by the Media, Cognition and Learning Research Group at the Department of Communication and Internet Studies of the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT), in collaboration with the non-profit organization Media What and the Cyprus International Institute for Environmental and Public Health also at CUT.


The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a heightened demand for news articles that concern health, and has increased people’s daily contact with scientific issues. Even though there are more journalists reporting on public health issues today, the easy access to online information, regardless of credibility, has highlighted the dangers that lurk in relation to the spread of misinformation. JOUREDIS is a project that aims to support journalists’ efforts to resist misinformation through the use of digital journalism tools.

The series is aimed at journalists and journalism or communication studies students and will take place between February and May 2022. The first workshop will take place online, on 24 February 2022, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Participation is free of charge, after pre-registration. Seats are limited.

Participants will have the opportunity to take part in workshops that will provide them with skills needed to engage with mobile journalism, writing for social media, live blogging and fact-checking.

You can express your interest to participate in the workshops by completing this form.

The project will culminate with the creation of a series of learning modules which will be accompanied with short explainer videos.

For more information visit

ISLS Best Design Paper Award 2021

We are happy to announce that Andria Agesilaou and Dr Eleni Kyza’s submission “Empowering students to be data literate: The design and implementation of a learning environment to foster critical data literacy” has received the Best Design Paper Award at the 2021 Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS 2021).

The theme of the Conference was “Reflecting the Past and Embracing the Future” and it took place virtually from June 7-11, 2021. The submission was presented as a full paper.

Download and read the submission in the ISLS 2021 conference proceedings here (p. 458-465).

Co-inform & ICA event 29-30 September 2021

With the culmination of our work for Co-Inform, the European-funded H2020 project that our Research Group has been involved in, we invite you to join two online events that will take place on 29 and 30 September 2021, online, and will present the work we have completed in the context of our three-year research project, as well as key findings and implications for policymaking and future research and on misinformation. 

You can register for a first-hand experience of the tools we have developed to support citizens, journalists and policymakers when faced with misinformation by completing this form

Following the demo, we also invite you to join the 55th ICA Conference themed: The New Normal: ” A radical leap to digital,one giant step for digital society” during which Co-Inform will share the project’s main insights from the tools’ evaluations and discuss future directions concerning misinformation research and policy implications for combating misinformation on social media. You can view the agenda here, and register for the event here

The Co-Inform project included top universities and SMEs from 7 European countries and reached its conclusion in July. The project aimed to co-create tools that would foster critical thinking and media and information literacy for a better-informed society. These tools stemmed from the needs and misinformation challenges of citizens, journalists and policymakers; they were iteratively designed and evaluated with policymakers, journalists, and citizens in three different EU countries (Austria,Greece, Sweden).

Earli Conference 2021: Papers Acceptance

We are happy to announce that two of our papers at the Media Cognition and Learning Research Group have been accepted to the 19th Biennial European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI 2021).  

Dr Yiannis’ Georgiou and Dr Eleni A. Kyza’s paper “Scaffolding augmented reality learning: A systematic review of the literature” has been accepted to be presented at the EARLI 2021 conference, as a Full Paper Presentation.

Additionally, Christiana Varda and Dr Eleni A. Kyza’s  paper “Liking” social media posts with credibility labels: The role of epistemic aims and criteria” has been accepted as part of the symposium organized by Dr Friederike Hendriks (University of Münster, Germany), Dr Maria Zimmermann, (Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany), and Dr Elisabeth Mayweg-Paus (Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany). The symposium is titled Is this credible information?” Investigations on the Evaluation of Scientific Online Information.

The theme of the Conference is “Education and Citizenship: Learning and Instruction and the Shaping of Futures” and it will take place virtually between August 23 to 27, 2021.