Research Instruments

As part of its research activities, the MCL research group has also contributed in the development or Greek translation and adaptation of relevant questionnaires as follows:

  • Augmented Reality Immersion (ARI) questionnaire
  • Need for Cognition (Gr)

Below you can find more information about each of these questionnaires

Augmented Reality Immersion (ARI) questionnaire

The Augmented Reality Immersion (ARI) questionnaire was developed and tested during 2016, by Dr. Yiannis Georgiou and Dr. Eleni A. Kyza. The questionnaire provides a validated measurement of experienced immersion in location-based AR settings. To achieve this goal, a multi-step process was employed to develop and validate a novel instrument; analyses included exploratory factor analysis with 202 high school students, followed by a confirmatory factor analysis with 162 high school students. This multistep process resulted in a 21-item, seven-point Likert-type instrument with satisfactory construct validity, which is based on a three-leveled model of immersion (Engagement, Engrossment, Total Immersion) with multidimensionality in each level. The ARI questionnaire, as a validated and tested measurement, can be highly useful for researchers and designers in the field of location-based AR, as a promising tool for measuring immersion in the context of learning or entertainment location-aware AR apps, and can support future research of the construct of immersion. The ARI questionnaire is currently available in Greek and English, while it has been also recently adapted and translated in Korean by Mr. Han Yoon Jung (PhD candidate at the Department of Film and Digital Media Design), at the Hongik University Graduate School of South Korea.

For more information about the ARI questionnaire, you can read the following journal publication:

Georgiou, Y., & Kyza, E. A. (2017). The development and validation of the ARI questionnaire: An instrument for measuring immersion in location-based augmented reality settings. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 98, 24-37. doi:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2016.09.014

For requesting the ARI questionnaire, please contact us at mcl.cyprus[at]

Need for Cognition Scale–Short Form questionnaire in Greek (NfC-SF-GR)

The Need for Cognition Scale–Short Form (NfC-SF) was translated and adapted in the Greek language during 2016, by Dr. Yiannis Georgiou and Dr. Eleni A. Kyza. The questionnaire provides a validated measurement of cognitive motivation in the Greek language for secondary education students. To achieve this goal, a multi-step process   was followed, including (a) the translation and adaptation of the questionnaire, (b) a reliability analysis of the instrument’s items in combination with an exploratory factor analysis with 177 secondary school students, and (c) a confirmatory factor analysis for defining the underlying structure of the scale, using a sample of 532 secondary school students. The statistical analyses validated a 14-item version of the NfC-SF for Greek-speaking secondary school students, which can be highly useful for psychologists and learning scientists, as well as for other researchers which are interested in evaluating young adolescents’ cognitive motivation.

For more information about the NfC-SF-GR questionnaire, you can read the following journal publication:

Georgiou, Y., & Kyza, E. A. (2017). Translation, adaptation, and validation of the Need for Cognition Scale – Short Form (NfC-SF) in the Greek language for secondary school students. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessmentdoi:10.1177/0734282916686005

For requesting the NfC-SF-GR questionnaire, please contact us at mcl.cyprus[at]