“Digital Storytellers” is a locally-funded research project, which is focused on the investigation of k-6 students computational thinking. As part of this project, the “Digital storytellers” program, which is addressed to k-6 students, has been developed. The program aims to introduce students in computational thinking and the Scratch JR. Employing a multiple cross-age research design, the overall goal of the project is to explore young students’ computational thinking practices across different ages as well as their development employing the Scratch JR application.
Read more about the “Digital storytellers” program for schools.
Focus: Computational Thinking
Funding: Locally-funded project
Status: Ongoing
Related Publications
Kyza, E. A., Georgiou, Y., Agesilaou, A., & Souropetsis, M. (2022). A Cross-Sectional Study Investigating Primary School Children’s Coding Practices and Computational Thinking Using ScratchJr. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 60(1), 220–257. https://doi.org/10.1177/07356331211027387