SELFIEforTEACHERS case studies (JRC/SVQ/2022/MVP/1278 - SELFIEforTEACHERS case studies) is an EU-funded project which was coordinated by the Department of Communication and Internet Studies of the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT). The...

TUNED: “Training courses for teachers in Universities for Nurturing innovative Educative practices in Distance and blended learning based on self regulation" The TUNED project (2021-2024) is a European Commision funded...

The Media, Cognition and Learning (MCL) research group of the Department of Communication and Internet Studies at the Cyprus University of Technology announces a series of workshops focused on addressing...

Co-inform is an EU-funded project in which the Department of Communication and Internet Studies of the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) is involved. Co-inform is a collaboration between universities and...

The project named “IoT for Education: Air Quality matters” (IoT4ED) is part of a larger Horizon 2020 funded program aiming to enhance physical environments with IoT platforms and applications, thus...

The aim of the PARRISE project is to collect and share existing best practices across Europe and develop learning tools, materials and in/pre- service training courses for science teachers based...

“Activity Trackers” is a locally-funded research project, which is focused on the investigation of elementary school students’ knowledge about the functions of the human body and healthy lifestyle habits. Employing...

“Mystery at the lake” is a locally-funded research project, which is focused on investigating the nature of immersion in location-based AR settings for environmental science learning. Employing a design- based...

“Young Archaeologists” is a locally- funded research project, which is focused on the investigation of inquiry-based AR mobile learning in archaeological and cultural settings. Employing a design- based approach, the...

PROFILES (Title: “Professional Reflection Oriented Focus on Inquiry- based Learning and Education through Science) was a four year (2010 - 2014) research program, funded by the European Commission, under the...

CoReflect (Title: Digital support for Inquiry, Collaboration, and Reflection on Socio-Scientific Debates) was a three year (2008 - 2011) research program, funded by the European Commission, under the FP7 Science...

Stochasmos (Kyza & Constantinou, 2010) is a web - based learning platform for supporting students’ scientific reasoning through scientifically authentic investigations with an embedded authoring tool. Teachers and other instructional...

“App inventors” is a locally-funded research project, which is focused on the investigation of high school students computational thinking, active citizenship and their inter- relationships. Employing an exploratory research design,...

“Young programmers” is a locally- funded research project, which is focused on the investigation of middle school students computational thinking, environmental literacy and their inter- relationships. As part of this...

“Digital Storytellers” is a locally-funded research project, which is focused on the investigation of k-6 students computational thinking. As part of this project, the “Digital storytellers” program, which is addressed...